Google Camera gets new features!

Google Camera gets new features!

Google Camera gets new features! Google Camera gets new features!
The latest version of Google Camera began rolling out earlier this week with a handful of visual changes, including a dark mode for settings and live mode transitions. Google Camera 6.2 also reveals work on a measuring tool, while development on “Cheetah” continues.

Google's Camera measurement mode, which allows consumers to use the camera to measure distances and heights, depending on the company's enhanced ARCore platform. This mode allows you to save the measurements to the phone as a picture with a virtual ruler.

The new version of the application also showed that Google is still working on the development of Time-lapse mode. Google’s implementation involves recording video at faster speeds, and compliments the existing Slow Motion feature

The new version also includes enhancements in panoramic and HDR+ photography. Also when switching to Panorama, Portrait, Camera, or Video, version 6.2 maintains the live camera feed instead of adopting a black background. Icons for each mode are still overlaid, while there is a zoom animation to account for each mode’s aspect ratio.

Google Camera 6.2